Book of Bantorra ~Chapter 1~ part 2

Colio was talking to himself inside an empty room.

That was his earliest memory.

A gust of wind blew by. When the wind had stopped, the surrounding was fulled with dusts. Colio Tonis awoke because of the smell of the duests. Before his eyes were a bed covered in dusts and a simple bed sheet.

Colio felt himself waking hp.

It was very bright outside, dawn was arriving. Opposite of the gray glass window, lies a greater gray sky and clouds.

It’s been a long time since he last dreamt.

This is the first time Colio has dreamt as he recalled

Kill Hamyuts Meseta. From that day these words were uttered, half a year has since passed by, Colio stretched his stiff body on th dust covered bed.

He was at the second floor of a small lodging inn. The narrow room had only three beds, the oil lamp hanging from the ceiling even had the corpse of a moth in it. Colio was living in this dirty room that was aldo filled with spider webs.

“…… As long as I avoid touching it, it wouldn’t hurt. Yet, just a slight body movement will cause pain. “

Someone spoke. Beside Colio’s bed was two other men who were in a conversation, he knee their names– Relia Bookwart and Hyoue Jyanfus. Hyoue Jyanfus was lying on the bed without his shirt, while Relia Bookwart was beside him. Relia was staring at Hyoue’s chest.

” Does it hurt when you bend forward? “

” No matter where I move, it always hirts …… Look, it started festering. “

” Hmm…… It really did. “

” Yeah, since last night something felt really wrong about it. “

Relia’s bed was already tidied up. It seems like both of them woke up early.

” What’s wrong? “

Colio asked Relia.

” Hyoue dosen’t feel too good.”

Relia answered thus.

“His wounds have festered, maybe its the dusts that has entered the wound in the chest. I’m still feeling alright, what about you, Colio?”

Colio placed his hands on his chest after hearing Relia’s questiom. He could feel a frw bones and muscles from his weak chest.

Colio’s hand was on the center of his chest, he could feel a big stone in the space on the right side of his heart.

Colio warily touched fhat stone in his chest.

Hearing Relia’s words, made him felt uncomfortable. Even a slight press on the stome would cause him breathing difficulties.

“Maybe it’s because some dusts fleq in, I think it must have been causwd by the air condition.”

“Hmm, I think so too,”

Relia said so while undoing the button on hus grey shirt. Revealing a similarly thin chest as Colio’s.The middle of his chest had the same “stone” that Colio had.

“The air condition here is quite bad…… Dusts can easily gather between the flesh and the “stone”, we should clean it a bit.”

For the sake of hiding the “stone”, some flesh from the chest had been deeply carved out. The skin looked as if it had been operated on before before just like how a frog had been sliced open before. The chest now had a huge cavity, where some of the muscles and bones had been removed or smoothed out.

The “stone” was then inserted into the chest cavity and covered up with the skin that was previously sliced open, and is held in place by a nail. That particular part of the skin was nlw darkened bits and had become dry and full of wrinkles. Dead flesh and muscle and bones was slightly exposed to surrounding air through the cracks of the skin.

The “stone” that was inserted was a clay like auburn stone, and it was the size of a fist.

A lot pf bronze wires couled around it like arteries and veins. Enveloping the “stone” would be barious nails and metal explosives.

Below the stone, a black gun powder fulled vacuum tube is stucked there ysing glue. These black gun powder could easily explode under slightly warm temperature.

“One little slip up will cause an explosion. Although I don’t think that’s all that will occur ……”

Relia gently touched the “stone” while said so worriedly.

Relia and Colio both knew that The clay like stonewas filled with dangerous explosives and that if the vacuum tube ever cracked, the explosives would burn up and everything within yhe proximity will be reduced to ashes.

Relia too had a bomb within his chest.

“We’d better be careful, as once we we explode, other people will join the grave with us.”

Hyoue began speaking, he too of course had a bomb within his chest just like Relia.

The three men who all had bombs within their chests looked anxiously at each other.

“Hyoue, does it still hurt?”

Relia touched Hyoue’s bomb, Hyoue let out a sound of “Ughh” that resembled the moaning that accompanies vomiting.

“…… It feels better now, I think it should be alright after a monent’s rest.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s get this pus off of you first, then afterwards ……”

Relia wanted to continue but stopped as he could not find the rufht words to say.

Colio understood the reason why.

“Relia, we don’t have an ‘afterwards'”

Colio said so, but Relia’s expression remained unchanged.

“That’s right.”

“Before my bomb goes off, I have to quickly murder Hamyuts Meseta.”

Hyoue cringed his eyebrows while saying so.

“That’s right, we must quickly kill Hamyuts Meseta.”

Colio kept repeating this phrase, Relia also kept repeating this phrase

“Kill Hamyuts Meseta.”

“Kill Hamyuts Meseta.”

“Kill Hamyuts Meseta.”

As if the three of then were singing a chorus, they repeated this phrase again and again.

“Have you calmed down?”

Relia asked Hyoue. Hyoue nodded and pilled down his shirt.

Three of them sat side by side on the bed. They were staying at this cheap lodging inn, the room had nothing but the three beds, even tables and chairs and other necessities were no where to be seen.

“Once the pus leaks out, you must clean it off immediately”

Relia said so.

“i know.”

Between the three of them, Relia was the leader.

There wasn’t any specific reason why, maybe it was because he was the oldest , and that he had the most experience and knowledge. Coloo thought that he was probably in his 20s, but could not be sure if it either.

Relia whose eyes held determination and spirit naturally became their leader.

Hyoue was older than Colko, but younger than Relia, so he was about 17 years of age. He did not have any specialties, and looked average, in fact it took Colio some time to memorise his face. This young man had an unpleasant face that made him look unwell most of the time, and he always wore a nervous expression on his face while sitting on the bed having nothing to do.

Amongst the three of them, Colio was the youngest, and was about 15 years old. He was the smallest of size between the three of them, and he slouched too, so even if he stood up, he wouldstill look short.

Book of Bantorra ~Chapter 1~ Part 1

「Colio Tonies」

Someone called out to him from the darkness.

Colio Tonies raised his head, but could not see anything. He raised his cheek that laid closely against the stone ground,

Colio felt immense pain coming from his chest. Everytime he breathed, his chest would echo as if the wind blew by. His mouth felt dry, even a slight movement of the tongue led to something falling inside of his mouth. He felt oddly in pain but he took no notice towards any of this.

Colio wanted to wipe away the saliva lingering on his face but could not do so, His wrist was tied together with a slimy and moist rope, both of his hands was situated underneath his body, not even one finger could freely move about.

    「Colio Tonie, what are humans?」

Suddenly a man’s voice echoed, though  no silhouette appeared. Lying beside Colio was an old Gramophone, on top of it was a spinning bronze disc. It seemed like the sound came from the gramophone’s trumpet.。

Colio answered:

    「Humans, are the God’s favoured children, they are also the ones who combine the light of Heaven and Earth. Using love as boundary, and freedom as periphery, the Gods used their lifetime weaving the tapestry of happiness.」

Colio could never understand what he was talking about anymore, but he could not stop himself either.

                It seemed as if he had not eaten since yesterday’s lunch. His memories were fuzzy, rendering him unable to recall whether he had eaten or not.

   His tied wrists was painful. His skin had swollen due to his sweat,even the inflammation of his flesh had began to discharge purulent exudate.

His fingers felt nothing, he didn’t even know if they were still attach to his hands.

    「Continue, Colio Tonies.」

「Wounded humans are to be saved;

 Sffering humans are to be rescued;

Forsaken humans are to be loved。」


「All humans are born into this world for the sake of  attaining happiness,  for the sake of being  loved.」

「I ask once again, what are humans?」

「Beings with the right to gain all the happiness the world may offer. Beings that love, be loved, experience fulfilment, never suffering, and live in utmost bliss in their entire lives.」

「Very good.」

Coilio continued to talk to the gramophone.

   This conversation was already long decided. Nothing but the decided content was to be conversed about. Nothing but the decided content was to be thought about. Colio’s existance worth o more than the gramophone.

「Then let me ask you this, Colio Tonies. Why do you dothat  which you do??」

「Because Colio Tonies is not human.」

「Then what is Colio Tonies?」

「Colio Tonies is a bomb。」

「Colio Tonies is a bomb?」

「Colio Tonies is a bomb。」

Colio Tonies suddenly realised someone was watching him. At some point in time, a man had opened the door to  the room that could contain two people and had walked in.

Colio felt a sharp pain emanating from his right calf. The man was stomping on Colio’s leg. His leg was crushed against the stony floor, his bones rattled in pain.

Just when he thought his calf was about to be rip apart from his knee, his was kicked. Colio’s body rolled about the floor like a pencil, leaning on his side, Colio helplessly raised his head.

Unknowingly, the gramophone had stopped talking, the man now replacing the gramaphone asked a question.

    「Colio Tonies. What are you?」

「Colio Tonies is a bomb.」

The man seemed satisfied with COlio’s answer.

    「Perfect answer。」

As soon as the man finished, the room lit up. Temporarily blinded by the light Colio moaned in pain.

    「Looks like its done。」

The man had said so. What was done? Colio did not paid no heed towards it, His body was in pain and exhaustion. He didn’t want to think, nor did he want to sense anything around him.

「Colio Tonies, Let me tell you the reason of your existence.」

The man told Colio who was ying on the cold stony floor:

「Your birth is for  the sake of killing Hamyuts Meseta. Repeat after me, Colio Tonies.」

Though exhausted, Colio followed the man’s order. Who is Hamyuts MEseta? Why does she need to be killed? How can she be killed? Although there was a pile of things he did not understand, he did not further question them.

   「The birth of Colio Tonies  is for  the sake of killing Hamyuts Meseta。」

The man beside Colio said:

「Repeat again.」

「For  the sake of killing Hamyuts Meseta.」


「For  the sake of killing Hamyuts Meseta.」

「To kill Hamyuts Meseta。」

「To kill Hamyuts Meseta。」

The rope binding Colio’s wrist suddenly came undone, His flesh that was exposed to the surrounding air made him feel painful, causing hm to cringe his eyebrows.

    「Kill Hamyuts Meseta。」

「Kill Hamyuts Meseta。」

Colio slowly stood up.

「Kill Hamyuts Meseta。」

「Kill Hamyuts Meseta。」

Colio muttered. The gramophone had already stopped talking, the man had already keft, nobody was talking to Colio.

「Kill Hamyuts Meseta。」