Pandora Hearts Caucus Race 2 Translation — Chapter 1– part 4

“It’s all because of how you usually behave that i would be suspicious right now.”
Elliot cringed his eyebrows in protest. He scrutinized the bookmark in his hand as though it was an dangerous object”
Finally, seemingly satisfied, he places the bookmark in his shirt’s breast pocket.
walking in front of Leo, Elliot suddenly broke into a sprint across the sunlight shoned corridor.
he lightly let out a breath and said without lifting his head : ” …… Huh, I suppose I have no choice but to accept it “
Ludwidge school yard.
The elite school that noble students such as Elliot and Leo goes to can be considered to be the cream of the crop.
Most of the nobles of this country would send their soms and daughters to this elite school. Noble students whose age ranging from 13 to 18 will receive their education here.
Ludwidge Academy provides lodging for its students. Where the students are divided according to respective gender. During the period of six years of the student’s education at the academy, students are required to live within the school premises.
There is also a rule whereby the first years, the second years and the third years students are accompdated in a six person sizes room, so as to learn teamwork and the ways of a gentleman. When the students gain seniority, they are allowed to be accomodated to one room with just one roomate. Those that are able to have one room all to themselves is a previliege reserved for only the few seniors who hold the title “prefect” .
Stelling out of the classroom, elliot who was heading towards the hostel let out a “Hmph”, and stopped in his tracks. Leo who was accompanying Elliot also stopped.around halfway through the pathway, where the road starts leading towards the forest, there were a few students gathered around there.  A weak looking boy was surrounded by four, five male students.
A few guys surrounded him in a circle, and threw a small bottle to each other as if they were playing the game of passing the ball. The student that was surrounded was eager to get back the bottle. This was what Elliot saw. 
He knew, these people were not just fooling around. That’s because the skinnny boy looked like he was about to cry, while in comparison the boys surrounding him wore faces full of ridicule. 

Elliot knew those guys.

Pandora Hearts Caucus Race 2 Translation — Chapter 1– part 3

Quick Update: Part 4 is out~
The corridor was filled with students that were busy with their respective after school activities. In contrast to the library, a hubbub of voices and laughter filled the corridor, there were also students happily chatting away, a few of whom who sneaked glimpses at Elliot and Leo. Elliot jut passed by unconcerned.
“Oh yeah…” Leo who was walking beside Elliot begin.
Elliot turned around, and saw Leo  clumsily handling the five borrowed books, while reaching one hand into the pocket of his shirt to retrieve–
” This is for you.”
Leo took “the thing” from his pocket and handed it over nonchalantly to Elliot.
It was a leather bookmark. With dark blue as the background color, it was also embroided with golden flowers
” …… What is this?
Elliot placed down the bookmark, and realized the scene embroided on the bookmark belonged to《 Holy Knights 》。It was a potrait of the main character Edwin and his servant Edgar! At that moment, Elliot revealed a satisfied expression that was soon replaced with puzzled one.
“This is the one I bought yesterday, knowing that you take a long time to finish a book”
“Is there a special occasion today? I’m pretty sure It’s not my birthday.”
“Must it be for a special occasion that I choose to give you a present? I just wanted to buy it for you, that’s all.
Leo said so while brimming with a smile. On the other hand, a shadow flashed across Ellliot’s expression.

“You must have a hidden agenda of some sorts. Receiving a sudden gift from you is really suspicious”
“You know what, Elliot? You should gratefully accept other people’s good will. That is how one is supposed to act maturely.”

Pandora Hearts Caucus Race 2 Translation — Chapter 1– part 2

Caucus race

What? To the one who confessed to you, you are uncertain as to how to react? Hmm– this is a difficult situation.
Life is a long journey, and full of tribulations, if one desires to live out the rest of their lives without worries or concerns, it is very important to have an irreplaceable companion by their side.
Yet, if a wrong companion is chosen, then the consequences would be …… Indeed, there would be nothing left in the end.
Hmm, so the question is, how to choose?
How troublesome. How about I list out some scenarios for you.
This is a story between a certain person and his companion.
Honestly speaking, observing how these people’s life is my hobby.
If you don’t mind, you can take this as a reference, it might even come in handy in you life.
Well the, let’s begin.
The Story of the Mutuality
The Blue Coronation Ceremony

Look. These flowers are … blooming in the shadow of the night sky, flower petals completely dyed in blue under the moonlight , appearing more and more majestic…

Title: Elliot Nightray

On a certain weekend.

After school, tender sunlight is shining into the library room.
Respecting the traditions and its social standing, in this Ludwidge school library , there would not be a single student who make any noise. In the hall aligned with book shelves, there are a lot of student figures, but despite the suppressed conversations escaping them and their footsteps going back and forth resounding, the calm silence is preserved.
The boys wear white tailcoats and  navy blue vests to their white trousers, while girls wear white blazers to their white skirts.
A characteristic “smell of books” filled that library room which were warmed by the rays of sun.
“Are you borrowing this again? You really like this, don’t you?”
A boy, who would not permit even a lock of his bangs to spring up, took one book out of the book shelf, while he was was told so by a classmate with unkempt forelocks.
The boy scowled slightly and gave the student beside him a harsh look.
“… something wrong with that? Isn’t reading good things multiple times just fine?”
“You know, ‘The Story of the Holy Knight’ is a clichéd title.”
“It’s about the principles of royalty, the rule of the right”, the boy objected, while putting the book under his arm.
As his classmate’s facial expression was blocked by his grown bangs and glasses, it was impossible make out. But, after spending two years together, the boy knew how to grasp his expressions. — He’d be unconcerned and abstracted anyway.
“Don’t be angry. I was thinking out loud, I didn’t intend to make fun of your hobby, Elliot.”, the classmate replied nonchalantly, whereupon the boy named Elliot clicked his tongue with a “Tsk”.
Elliot Nightray, 16 years old.
A legitimate child of the Nightray House, one of the four dukedoms which are endowed with tremendous power in this country.
Currently he is attending the Ludwige school’s as a student of the fourth class.
His character is noble, severe and frank.
His seemingly strong will shows in his eyebrows and both of his eyes are filled with a sharp impression, which are clearly visible in this sunlit state, along with his platin-blonde hair.
When all of these details comes together, his figure, dressed in the Ludwidge uniform, makes him difficult to approach. He has a  mole at the corner of his left eye, which people call his charming point, but it fails to soften his sharp impression.
“Alright, Leo? Listen. “The Story of the Holy Knight” is…”, Elliot started enthusiastically.
But his classmate Leo, interrupted him with a “If it’s that story, I’ll pass”, while poking with one hand to prevent him from continuing.
Leo, is also 16 years old. He came from the “House of Fianna”, an orphanage mangaged by the Nightray house.
Two years ago, when Elliot couldn’t decide on an attendant, he met him in the library room of the “House of Fianna”. They ended up in an immediate quarrel over a small matter… and after archieving the worst kind of encounter, at the end of many ups and dows, he pushed through all oppositions and chose him as his attendant.
He may be his attendant, but the way he comports towards his master Elliot goes more by his own pace. As for his master’s circumstances, he was unmindful.
He seems calm and collected, but according to Elliot, he has a “quick temper that was prone to quarrels” and he oftens address his master with unbridled sharp words.
Then, what would describe Leo most suitable would be the words “likes reading heavy literature”.
Nay, the expression “heavy” might even be unjustified.
After Elliot stopped, Leo took up Elliot’s words, which he had interrupted.  ‘The Story of the Holy Knight’ is a story about the protagonist Edwin’s advancing on his path, an epic heroic poem describing how those chosen as nobels and knights should be, a textbook for the “way of manhood” and so forth. I have already read this famous story from start to end many times, so I know what is inside.”
Being told so disinterestedly in one breath, Elliot felt ashamed.
Quite dissatisfied indeed, he snorted a “hmpf” and glared at the five massive books Leo had pressed against his chest.
“So, what are you borrowing. Even five pieces at one go.”
“Ah, this, you know…”
In an artless chat, Leo, who was now caught up a cheery mood, explained:
“This is the mystery novel ‘The Festival of the Double Helix’. The author’s style is said to be old styled, but I like the dignified portrayals. And this is a classic on the study of logic and this one a biological book on the ecology of reptiles, and this one is a biographical dictionary…”
“Wait. Now it doesn’t surprise me anymore for you to read unsystematically and miscalleneaously in different fields, but what use do you make out of reading a biophraphical dictionary? There are only names mentioned in there, no?”
Elliot interrupted with an astonished expression, making Leo laugh.
“It’s interesting. Read this, while imagining the lifes out of the names inside. Even reading it for one week would render me enjoyment.”
“… What a craze for reading…”, Elliot grumbled, while Leo said “It’s normal, isn’t it?” with a mysterious face.
While thinking “That is supposed to be normal?”, Elliot knit his brows with a “Do as you please” attitude. The two left the book shelves. Elliot reminded Leo, who wanted to open the first book right away, to control himself until they’d get back to their room. The two went to the reception corner, and the borrowing formalities ware taken care of. Elliot was finished a bit earlier and while Leo went through the formalities of his five books, he stood a bit appart, looking ill humoured.
Suddenly Elliot turned around towards the book shelves where the ‘Story of the Holy Knight’ volumes were lined up. There was a gap in the line that look similar to a missing tooth, from where Elliot had pulled his book out.
“What’s wrong, Elliot?”, said Leo, who was finished with his formalities. Elliot slowly shook his head.
“Nothing… Let’s go.”
Joined up with Leo, they left the library room.

Pandora Hearts Caucus Race 2 Translation — Chapter 1– part 1

Caucus race

Chapter 1 The first

Hi, we meet again.
Meeting you here, could already be counted as ……the third, no, the fourth time.
Oh? It’s the fifth time we’ve met? My apologies, I have forgotten.
I am, afterall the type of person who has poor memory.
Always can’t seem to recall the right numbers, so please don’y get angry over this.Ah, this must be what they say, old habits die hard.
Oh my, what a high class tea you have specifically prepared today.
Such a considerate gesture is very touching. Hmm, the tea smells wonderful.
Though honestly, you don’t seem like the type to be attentive to details.
……Ah, my apologies. I shouldn’t have spoken. Although what I said bears truth in it.
Oh dear, I’ve said it wrong again? Please accept my humble apologies. Come now, do stop being angry at me.
This is who I am.
Oh? What is it? So it wasn’t you who prepared this tea? …… It was someone else who did it?
Oh, I see。So it wasn’t you afterall …… Ah, nevermind……
Oh right, today you invited me for tea, is there anything you would like to ask?
Questions about life? That is a very huge topic.
So, what are you troubled by?
Ohoho , so you think that, you may have found your soul mate, Is that it?
Congratulations! Really, I sincerely congratulate you.

Part 2 is up!